Greetings My Friend

Welcome to my personal blog. This blog is all about life, faith, love and anything under the sun. Peace out.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Getting to know

Yesterday we had our first group discussion on our FORMDEV class. A subject taken by frosh students to further understand the Lasallian values and make positive and practical impact during their stay in the university.

I'm glad to see new faces and thank God I am with Tiano for this whole term. He saved me yesterday talking about some CS stuff that obviously I don't know. So here are some points to remember to start conversation to your small group when everyone seems like a stranger to each other.

1. Make sure to use the right tone of voice to get their attention.
2. Don't forget to introduce your name.
3. Discuss the reason why are you doing this.
4. Ask questions that are relevant to them.
5. Take time to listen and give some follow-up questions
6. Add some humor to your discussion.

These are only some of the many things you can do. But for me, I found it effective and it really works. So get going and have some talk. Don't forget to stay humble and grounded because God entrusted them to you and you should do your best to share you life to them.

Animo Group 2 S12 FORMDEV!

Looking forward to see Jerome, Monpee, Lance, Bryan, Jeehan and Grace next week!!!!


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